Bylaws & Virtues
Students of Hwa Rang Do® adhere to a strict moral code comprising five bylaws (Oh Kae) and nine virtues (Kyo Hoon).
오계 - Oh Kae (Five Bylaws)
1. (Il) |
사군이충 (Sa Gun I Chung) |
Loyalty To One's Country |
2. (Yi) |
사친이효 (Sa Chin I Hyo) |
Loyalty To One's Parent's And Teachers |
3. (Sam) |
교우이신 (Gyo U I Sin) |
Trust And Brotherhood Among Friends |
4. (Sa) |
임전무퇴 (Im Jeon Mu Toe) |
Courage Never To Retreat In The Face Of The Enemy |
5. (O) |
살생유택 (Sal Saeng Yu Taek) |
Justice Never To Take A Life Without A Cause |
교훈 - Kyo Hoon (Nine Virtues)
인 (In) | Humanity |
의 (Oui) | Justice |
예 (Ye) | Courtesy |
지 (Ji) | Wisdom |
신 (Sin) | Trust |
선 (Seon) | Goodness |
덕 (Deok) | Virtue |
충 (Chung) | Loyalty |
용 (Yong) | Courage |